Friday, August 13, 2010

Back again for another try....

It was seven months ago that I said "stay tuned for a lot more posts, and shorter ones too." Ha!! Was everyone in suspense? Yeah, I bet...

Ok, really, this time I mean it. I'm going to get back to this blog and clear my head and start posting all the time. First of all, I'm a totally different person than I was seven months ago. I went from being President of a company and calling the shots to being a stay-at-home dad and a full-time student. And a pretty broke one too. No more golf rounds, no resorts, no going out to dinner all the time. No. It's egg & toast with the baby in the morning, a turkey sandwich with the baby in the afternoon, homework during naps, children's music in a minivan and a crock pot dinner for the working wife. All of this in seven months. Not bad.

I hate to keep going back to the psychic story (which started this whole blog in the first place), but he said "the winds of change were howling towards me." Well, I had done the same thing for 16 years, and had planned on doing the same thing for another 40 years. Now in just over a half-year, my whole entire world is backwards? I'm just saying it's a little weird.

So I'm a stay-at-home dad to a beautiful little girl. I'll be about 20 college units ahead of where I was before. By the way, when I said I did the same thing for 16 years, I've been enrolled at Mira Costa for 16 YEARS! Not many people are on the 20-year college plan but I am. I'm also a certified tax preparer, I'm an 8th grade football coach, plus I interned on the Meg Whitman campaign, which is something else I always wanted to do. So yeah, all in all it's been a pretty cool transformation and I honestly feel like an entirely different person. I guess having a kid can do that to you.

But seriously, this is the time. I really mean it now, I'm going to get this blog going and get some followers! If this blog is supposed to be part of my new life, then I need to put the time in to make it work. So it's official, The Dan's Opinion is back up and running. Now I just need to start the P90X program I've been meaning to do.

The Dan