Monday, January 25, 2010

This is such a great photo. President Obama is speaking to a 6th grade class, in a 6th grade classroom in Falls Church, VA...with TWO teleprompters! Are you kidding me? I was in a Communications class tonight where the professor referred to President Obama as "one of the greatest public speakers of all time." Granted, he is a great speaker, but lets hold off on annointing him as one of the all-time best anything for a while. Just like his Nobel Peace Prize, it may be a little premature.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm at a serious crossroads in my life and faced with the reality of being out of a job here pretty quick. I kept thinking I could hold it off and fight through the bad times, but it's coming, and probably sooner than later. And thank God if it's sooner! I'm so done with the business, I'm ready to move on and get this show on the road, start the next chapter in my life.

As a result of this reflection (and fear of being unemployed for the first time), I've been doing a lot of thinking about my future and have decided it's time to finally finish school. After working full-time for almost 16 years, it's something that has been haunting me not having a degree. So it's time to become legit and get some credentials to back all my opinions. I've also been thinking a lot about this blog, which is something I'm passionate about, but I think I'm going about it all wrong. Instead of treating these things like essays, I need to just let her rip and write what comes into my head, like an extended Facebook post (thanks to my wife on that one). I feel like I've gotten in so many good debates on Facebook that have been wasted because they should have been done here so my massive fan base (of six) can get involved and put there opinions out there too. I'm not a dictator, I allow free thought!

Something that sparked 36 different messages on FB was when I referenced a video of Obama saying EIGHT DIFFERENT TIMES on the campaign trail that he would open up the Health Care debates to the public and broadcast them on C-SPAN. This was of course before he lied, because in reality they held closed door meetings, for Democrats only, with no cameras, for them to decide what is best for us. It's bullshit really. And then Scott Brown came along and spoiled all the fun for the Dems! I haven't been that pumped up in a long time as when I was watching his acceptance speech after taking back the Senate seat from the Kennedy family! He was absolutely right on the campaign, it was NOT Ted Kennedy's seat, it was America's seat! It was awesome. I'm so proud of our country and I'm proud that we are fighting back against this socialist machine that is in power.

So stay tuned for a lot more posts, and shorter posts too, which I'm sure everyone will appreciate. I get a little wordy sometimes, but I've got a lot to say! But now I'm pumped up, ready for some real change to take place in America and not this bullshit "hope and change" that was promised. Nope, real change...and it started this week in Massachusetts. Let's fight back!

The Dan