Tuesday, July 21, 2009

LV's World

--"PARIS, Texas (AP) - Texas state riot police have swarmed into the streets of an eastern Texas town and broken up a tense standoff between screaming black separatists and white supremacists."

This quote was from an article I just read on the Drudge Report and as amusing as it is that two separatist groups would be fighting in the streets (it seems they would, you know, separate), it is seriously a bit concerning though that after 45 years since segregation was outlawed, you have these radical groups that are pushing for it. As ridiculous as this story is, it could happen anywhere (although Texas is always a safe bet). Maybe I'm a little emotional because I'm a new father. Maybe I'm still a little vulnerable after my strange day with the Psychic Man, or maybe I'm screwed up from watching my wife breast feed while talking to my dad. All I do know is that some strange clairvoyant said my 3 week old girl will marry someone of a different ethnicity and have four children. And I'm fine with that. I think it's great actually because my family needs a little more culture. What I'm not fine with is that at some point in little LV's life, she is probably going to have to deal with some piece of shit that idolizes Hitler and thinks they were on to something with the Holocaust. The same Holocaust that the leader of Iran denies even happened. Keep in mind that Iran has over 70 million people! How many of them do you think would be willing to go to war for their President and carry out his plan, which is to wipe Israel off the map with a nuclear bomb? Not to mention we are dealing with Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, North Korea challenging us by firing missiles, Venezuela is taunting us, China practically owns our whole country, we are having a massive recession, a housing collapse, skyrocketing unemployment, and we very well may have just bankrupted the country with our recovery plan...and these idiots in Texas are fighting about White Pride and Black Power? Are you kidding me?

Like I said, I'm a new father so I've had 9 months to fret about what kind of world my baby will be born into. And I'm sad to report that I'm so concerned about the baby's future that I asked a friend of mine, an active duty Marine with a vast knowledge of weapons and tattoos, to go with me so I can buy a shotgun. And I'm not a gun guy. I'm not from a hunting family, I'm from a paper pushing family. I've always done everything to avoid guns. I don't even want to go to a shooting range because some whack job could decide that is when he wants to kill someone, and I'm standing next to him trying to figure out how to load the gun. It could happen. I lived by myself for almost 10 years and never thought about owning a gun but now, everything is different. Now I have a wife and a baby and I need to do something. If someone broke in our house, our two dogs would bark like hell, then one dog would grab a rope and try to lick the burglar and the other dog would go pee somewhere! Great work. So it's obvious I need something more. I need a gun.

If you watch the news as obsessively as I do (I actually gave up news for Lent), a lot of crazy, random shit happens every night. Someone broke in and attacked a couple with a hammer. Someone broke in and attacked a couple with a hatchet. Someone broke in and tied the couple up and robbed them. Whatever, it happens every night. It doesn't help either if you watched hundreds of hours of news coverage of Hurricane Katrina like I did. Very bad things happened. I was taught every single year in school how to prepare for "The Big One", and it still hasn't happened yet. It might. I live about a mile from the ocean, which means I could have oceanfront property if the Big One hits. Great for us for but not so good for the 3 million people in San Diego that will be rioting and looting in the streets, waiting for the Federal Government to save them. Not me though, because I'll have a shotgun. The world that LV is going to face is very, very different than what we faced. We may be going into the Second Great Depression. We may be going into the Third World War. We may be hit with another terrorist attack or North Korea may actually reach us someday with a missle. No one knows. The only thing I know for certain is that I'll have a shotgun. At least until the Obama Administration bans them from every household and then we are really screwed.

The Dan

The Next Chapter...

It is not everyday that you are told the “winds of change are forcefully upon you” and that “the next chapter of your life needs to begin immediately.” It is really not everyday when you find this out from your dead grandfather. It’s even more uncommon when he’s telling you this through an odd little clairvoyant man with a thick English accent, sipping tea and rocking back and forth in a trance! But that is exactly how it started today; sitting in the living room of a strange little house in a commune out in the boonies, hearing about my chakras and my auras and my duplicate spiritual body, all the while thinking “Oh shit, wait until my friends hear about this one!” I was looking around at the bird clock and all the new age crystals and trinkets, thinking of the Seinfeld episode when George is told to lay off hot water, thinking of all the carnival gypsies, the fortune tellers, the palm readers, the crystal ball reading Oda Mae Brown hustlers out there when it suddenly happened. Somewhere in the whole process, somewhere in the animated trance...it floored me.

This Spiritual Doctor saw a very strong woman looking after my wife and our new baby girl. He said she is very, very happy with the new baby and she is making sure everything works out for us. She is fiercely protecting them both and loves them very much. She is there to help us and wants the best for us. He said this woman is fairly new to the spiritual world and she only entered it a year ago. He asked if we’ve been deeply affected by cancer because this person died as a result of it. All of a sudden I couldn’t breathe anymore and the crying started. He asked me a question and I couldn’t even answer it because I couldn’t catch my breath. And I didn’t even care! I just let it happen. I cried. I cried because this total stranger just told that my mom, a very strong woman, who loved me and my wife very much, who fiercely protected us, who died a year ago of lung cancer, is protecting my wife and my baby! What the hell would you do? Not cry? Bullshit. There were so many other things dealing with our business and my family and how I have a bright yellow aura showing creativity and how I've been lacking self-esteem in it because "someone has severely dented my confidence in being creative." I'm pretty sure I know who that is.

So here I am, writing my first blog after sitting at my desk trying to figure out what happened this morning, hoping the “winds of change” bring me out of a sinking family business which I’ve grown to hate. I’ve done this for 15 years and I’ll be lucky if I have a family left after it. I’m done. It’s time to formulate the old exit strategy and move on. So consider this my Jerry Maguire epiphany, my time to do bigger and greater things. Hopefully you’ll stay with me and help me change the world in my new life....

The Dan